Elks Credit Union

Application Requirements for the 45th Annual AGM Nominations

03 March 2023
Author: Elks Credit Union


Requirements for nominees to the Board, Credit Committee, or Supervisory Committee- Section 41 (2) of the By-Laws

  1. Must be eighteen (18) years or over
  2. Must be a citizen or resident of Saint Lucia
  3. Must hold sixty (60) fully paid shares
  4. Must be a member of the Credit Union for at least one (1) year
  5. Must have saved regularly, at least sixty dollars ($60.00) per quarter in the past year
  6. Must NOT be a delinquent borrower and is otherwise in good financial standing



Skills & Competences

Typical essential/desirable qualities

  • Demonstrate a commitment to ethics and values;
  • Understand the business of delivering financial services within a competitive market environment;
  • Interpret Financial Statements and assess Credit Union Financial performance;
  • Identify the nature of Risk, and how it is mitigated and controlled;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of legislation and regulation;
  • Knowledge of the Money Laundering Act of St. Lucia and the policies and procedures of the Credit Union
  • Able to think critically and independently, to ask questions and challenge assumptions;
  • Be a team player, respect confidentiality and collective decision-making;
  • Act in the best interest of the Credit Union and its members
  • Strong communication skills and a diverse background in Business Management.



Skills & Competences

Typical essential/desirable qualities

  • Experience in Management, Finance, or Internal/External Audit
  • Able to understand and comply with laws governing the Credit Union
  • Good understanding of the Credit Union’s policies and procedures
  • Knowledge of the Money Laundering Act of St. Lucia
  • Demonstrate a commitment to ethics and values;
  • Possess excellent team spirit with a focus on good communication skills
  • Act in the best interest of the Credit Union and its members



Skills & Competences

Typical essential/desirable qualities

  • A background in finance and credit management with skills and knowledge in loan granting and underwriting, debt collection, and financial management.
  • Able to critically access loan applications
  • Sound understanding of the laws governing the Credit Union
  • Sound understanding of the policies and procedures of the Credit Union
  • Knowledge of the Money Laundering Act of St. Lucia
  • Strong communication skills, a team player, able to respect confidentiality and collective decision-making;
  • Act in the best interest of the Credit Union and its members



Persons interested in volunteering MUST be highly committed and able to devote ample time to successfully complete all duties and responsibilities.
Benefits include additional training where required
To apply send a biographical sketch along with a passport-size photograph to the email address: info@elkscreditunion.com. The subject of the email should be “Nominating Committee”.

Or via Post to:
Nominations Committee
Elks Credit Co-operative Union
P O Box 1924
General Post Office
LC04 101


The deadline for submission is Friday 31st March 2023.

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